Category Archives: Uncategorized

Chilly Monday

It’s been a chilly Monday around Ensworth today. The surprise snow we all woke-up to this morning reminded me that the holidays are right around the corner and with it the promise of turkey and full bellies, wood burning fires … Continue reading

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Ensworth Coffee Talk

Today we are introducing you to former Ensworth student and current high school science teacher Carrie Gauchat. I learn something new every time I do these posts too, I didn’t know Dr. Gauchat was a former student! So here we … Continue reading

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September Round Up

Well it’s official, the end of summer. Say good-bye to hot humid days and hello to cozy sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes……..well let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I have a feeling we won’t be seeing cozy sweaters till December, … Continue reading

Posted in High School, Lower School, Middle School, Uncategorized | 4,292 Comments

The Ensworth Grind (Earlene Hinton)

Because  it is her last year with us, because she has dedicated 30 years of her life to keeping us running like a well-oiled machine and most importantly because we love her. Let’s revisit an old Ensworth Grind from our … Continue reading

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The Ensworth Grind

Throughout his time at Ensworth, as a student and now as a member of the Ensworth Admissions team, Miles Asafo-Adjei has been a standout member of the Ensworth community. When he wasn’t on the court, Miles was an active member … Continue reading

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The Ensworth Grind

Coach Cleve Harris has been a familiar face in the Middle Tennessee basketball community for many years and we are so excited to be able to recognize him now as a member of the Ensworth School community. New to Ensworth … Continue reading

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Flipped Classroom

At both the Red Gables and Devon Farm campuses the Ensworth faculty has recently incorporated a flipped classroom model, putting more accountability and responsibility in the hands of the students. This flipped classroom approach has proven to make learning at … Continue reading

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National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

This week, the Ensworth Devon Farm campus continues their awareness of eating disorders and healthy body image during “National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.” Earlier this year, the parents association held a seminar for middle and high school students called “Healthy … Continue reading

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8th Grade Becomes Immigrants

As part of their US History classes, eighth graders studied the history of immigration in the United States.  After talking about current immigration issues, the students learned about the mass influx of immigrants to the US in the early 1900s. Throughout … Continue reading

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Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today, both campuses held a special assembly honoring Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.  The high school assembly included a performance by musicians from Ensworth families and guest speakers from the Civil Rights Movement.  Several students and faculty also spoke or performed. … Continue reading

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